In The Catholic tradition the first Sunday after Christmas is dedicated to the contemplation of Mary, Joseph and the child Jesus. It's a moment of celebration and meditation. The community of the faithful stops to think the value not only affective, but also religious, of the family. All believers communities must have as reference that model of love, which is the combination between Giuseppe and Maria. That family is sacred, because it is the embodiment of love between people who are done through the love of God. The affection between a man and a woman, becomes speculum of the love of the divine towards the created. God becomes man, just because love exists, just because it itself is love, Jesus strengthens a feeling that exists in humans and sanctify him. All Christian families are called to follow the model of the family celebrating the birth of the child in Bethlehem. All families must welcome the new coming, the son the newborn, as it is, that is as a gift that God does to the heart. Growing a child, putting it in the world (for woman) is a gesture that implies not only responsibility, but also great difficulties. We remember that for a woman, still today, the moments of childbirth are minutes, hours, days when literally puts her life in danger. Giving birth is dangerous, it is an adventure at the same time miraculous and terrible, for a mother and for its rising son. So it's good to contemplate the miracle that is the family. It is good to remember that the birth of a child is always and still a hope of salvation for the world. It is good to contemplate the miracle of a family community that is based on the mutual love of its components. Bethlehem is not far away. The Holy family is present in every domestic area where two young, old, mature who are trying to face the difficulties of existence together, we will give this common effort in love to their children. Family is a combination of love senses, the poet would say. It is a place, not only physical but also ideal, in which life finds a sense right in love to the other, then today is not only the family day composed by Giuseppe, Maria and Jesus. It's the party of all families. It's the party of those who want to be together, want to make a common path in the calamities of life, to their spouse, to their children, to their parents, to their relatives all. Family is a priceless asset, because it's love. This reminds us of the holy family of Bethlehem. This renews our heart and makes us more sales in love. I would like to add that I like to think that the legacy of the holy family in the world is the idea that the foundation of love goes beyond meat ties. You can love a child, even if you have neither conceived nor given birth. You love a person because you make a journey together in history, you face the events of life, even if the fact or the damn did not make us born from the same blood, i.e. parents and carnal children. Family is blood and corporalità. The family is also affection and friendship that can go beyond meat ties. It's a miracle that can put together all the ties, even those only emotional and ideal, without ever them each other.
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